Proven Pathways: Your Journey Starts Here!

We are just a few days away from embarking on our Proven Pathways: Building Sustainable Wellness program, and we couldn’t be more excited. As we gear up for this journey, we want to give you a detailed rundown of what you can expect over the course of the next 8 weeks.

An Unbeatable Investment in Your Health

At only $199 for the entire 8-week program, you're making an incredible investment in your health and wellness. To give you a perspective, private coaching with either Mary or Brian starts at $99 a month. This program provides you the benefit of both our insights, tools, and experiences at a highly affordable price. We are offering this special price because we believe in the transformative potential of this program and want to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

Now, let’s break down what this investment will offer you over the next two months:

Week 1 - Introduction & Initial Assessments: The first week is about setting the stage. We’ll do some simple assessments and thought exercises to assess our current situation and help us explore our motivations and goals.

Weeks 2 & 3 - Food & Nutrition: We start with the foundation of health. You'll learn about the basics of nutrition, how to understand your body’s unique nutritional needs, and begin to establish healthier eating habits. The goal is to observe your current dietary habits, educate on nutrition basics, and plan a small goal to implement the following week.

Weeks 4 & 5 - Movement & Exercise: The next phase is about integrating movement and exercise into your life. We'll explore various forms of physical activity, identify what aligns with your personal goals, and develop daily exercise habits that integrate seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Weeks 6 & 7 - Sleep & Stress Management: Quality sleep and well-managed stress are vital for overall health. We'll delve into these topics, again following the same process to build awareness, learn strategies, set small goals, and reflect on your progress.

Week 8 - Building and Sustaining Healthy Habits: The final phase is about cementing your new habits and learning how to maintain the progress you've made. We'll explore techniques for overcoming obstacles, adapting to changes, and making your new habits a permanent part of your life.

Throughout the program, you will have our constant support and the backing of a community of individuals on the same journey. We'll provide educational materials, a workbook with assessments, tools, and exercises, weekly in-person discussions, and access to a private online community.

The weekly discussions will take place at The Hill KC on Thursdays at 6:00 P.M.

This is your last chance to sign up for the Proven Pathways: Building Sustainable Wellness program. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to invest in your health, create lasting changes, and start living the life you envision for yourself.

We look forward to embarking on this journey with you.

- Mary & Brian


Sharing my Struggles: It’s Okay to Not Always be Happy


Proven Pathways: Embracing Sleep and Managing Stress