Introducing “Proven Pathways: Building Sustainable Wellness”

Feeling stuck in your journey towards a healthier life can be disheartening. That's why I am thrilled to announce a new 8-week program, Proven Pathways: Building Sustainable Wellness, created in collaboration with my friend Mary from Your Terms Nutrition. This program is designed specifically to help you break free from stagnation and make lasting, impactful changes to your lifestyle.

Why We Created This Program

In the age of information, the sheer amount of health advice available online can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, not all of that advice is reliable, and sifting through it to find what works can be a herculean task. We wanted to cut through that noise and provide a straightforward, effective plan based on proven, research-driven methods.

Our team brings over 20 years of combined experience in health and nutrition, and we've personally navigated our paths to a healthier lifestyle. We know firsthand the power of sustainable, practice-based approaches and the profound effects they can have on your life. And we're eager to share these insights with you.

Who This Program is For

This program is for anyone who is feeling stuck or simply needs help creating a plan for lasting change. Whether you're overwhelmed by the confusing health advice online, struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle, or feeling defeated because previous changes didn't stick — our program is here to help.

The Proven Pathways: Building Sustainable Wellness program is not about quick fixes or temporary solutions. It's about instilling lifelong habits that align with your personal health goals and the lifestyle you envision for yourself.

What Does the Program Involve?

Our 8-week program is designed around the principles of behavior change science. Rather than pushing you to make large, abrupt changes, we focus on small, manageable steps that cumulatively lead to significant transformation. We believe in the power of consistency, patience, and process, and that's what this program emphasizes.

Here's what you can expect during the workshop:

1. Weeks 1 & 2 - Food & Nutrition: Understand the fundamentals of nutrition and how you can adapt your diet in a way that suits your lifestyle and preferences.

2. Weeks 3 & 4 - Movement & Exercise: Discover effective ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and how different exercises can contribute to your health.

3. Weeks 5 & 6 - Sleep & Stress Management: Learn about the importance of sleep and stress management, and gain practical strategies to improve your sleep quality and manage stress effectively.

4. Weeks 7 & 8 - Building and Sustaining Healthy Habits: Learn how to maintain the progress you've made during the workshop, and explore techniques for overcoming obstacles and setbacks.

Throughout the program, you'll have the support of both us and a community of like-minded individuals on the same journey. You'll receive educational materials, a workbook with assessments, tools, and exercises, weekly in-person discussions, and access to a private online community.

Envisioning the Life You Want

Our ultimate goal is not just to help you build healthier habits but also to inspire you to imagine the life you want and empower you to achieve it. The Proven Pathways: Building Sustainable Wellness program is about enjoying the process, learning from each experience, and growing one step at a time.

We're here to provide you with the resources, support, and confidence you need to create lasting change. Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey with us?

Send us a message to get the conversation started.

We're thrilled to have you on board, and we can't wait to start this transformative journey together.

- Mary & Brian


Proven Pathways: Mastering Nutrition One Habit at a Time


Empowering Transformation: The Missouri Recovery Support Specialist (MRSS) Credential